For any further information on the Curriculum we teach, please refer to our Class Pages below.
Our Class pages can also be found within our About Us section.
Your child's learning journey will be much more than just core curriculum.....
We have an obvious focus on the core skills of reading, writing and mathematics; but, we also pride ourselves in making our curriculum broad, exciting and relevant, prompting Ofsted (2017) to state that we have 'a rich and broad curriculum in place, with a wide variety of high-quality enrichment experiences.'
Following our Ofsted, we particularly focused on broadening our curriculum to enhance the skills of science and humanities. Last year we focused on art and creative skills so that now our curriculum is of outstanding quality across all subjects. In addition our teaching promotes reasoning skills, deeper thinking and reflection through thoughtful questioning and learning design; we incorporate 'philosophy for children' across the school. The ultimate objective is to help our children to develop into kind, confident and well rounded individuals, who understand and are proud of their own achievement. Indeed our aspirational culture is one where children are keen to excel.
Provision is high quality throughout the school with a focus on learning skills of resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness and resourcefulness. Early Years planning ensures stimulating learning opportunities and incorporates Forest School Learning, with 2 qualified practitioners and an exciting outdoor site of our own. Children are well prepared for Key Stage 1 where they experience success through differentiated phonics provision, development of maths mastery and a continuing exciting curriculum so that in Key Stage 2 they have strong foundation skills to build upon.
Children become confident, responsible learners who strive to reach their full potential in all areas of learning and are ready for their next steps at secondary school.
This year, after a disruptive period for the children due to the Corona Virus closures, we are working very hard to ensure that the children are back in the rhythm of school and refocused on their learning. We have adjusted the curriculum for recovery, providing what the children need to get back to normal. We continue to follow the new Ofsted Framework which focuses on the quality of education including ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’ of the curriculum, with more of a focus on how it can be used to support the development of a completely rounded child rather than just getting good results. At Dry Sandford we have created new ladders of progression for each subject, continuing to build into the class topics. We will continue to develop English skills by using a focus text so that children become totally immersed through the book into the topic, empathising with the characters so they develop a deep understanding of what they are learning about. Our curriculum is quite specific in terms of the core skills. Maths, English, Computing and Science skills are revisited constantly in a spiral of learning which is specifically targeted to meet the needs of all the children in every class. Children are excited by the challenges that their teacher provides, and they work their way up these with guidance from the adults who work with them. Our children have their own age-related targets but many are directed towards a greater depth through philosophy and higher order thinking in all or some areas, which is why many work above age-related expectation. Your child is being observed with great care and we assess their potential and provide interventions to move individuals or groups of children forward either emotionally or academically as required…we will let you know if these interventions are significant, and will involve you if necessary. None-core subjects - Humanities, Arts, PE are also taught through topics and it has never been the case that the topics are specific to particular year groups. What is required is that there is clear progression through each subject from stage to stage…we have a skills-based plan from Reception to Year 6 to ensure that children all make fabulous progress through their topics.
This year we have decided to focus on ‘Reflection’ through our topics so that the children reflect on what they have learned and how they might apply this to their future lives.
All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all of our children. Staff are aware of children who have exceptional talents and gifts and monitor or track their progress carefully to ensure their academic potential or talent is continually developed.